
Volunteer of the Month

Audrey Young

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Audrey Young has volunteered at the Immigrant Centre since January 2016. Initially she started off as an English Conversation Group Facilitator, but just one month later, she offered to also volunteer as a One-to-One English Tutor.

Three hours per week, Audrey devotes her time to helping a class of newcomers practice their English conversations skills and providing one-to-one English lessons to another client.  I asked Audrey about her reasons for volunteering and here’s what she had to say.

“I heard about the Centre about two years ago when someone from IRCOM, where I also volunteer, sent me some information on language workshops. There I learned about the Centre, talked to Walter, and took on a beginner conversation class.  As I learned more about the Centre’s programs, I thought I would like to try the one-on-one tutoring, which I did and which I have loved.

I volunteer because I like to meet people from other places, enjoy the challenge of helping them attain more proficiency in English, and because volunteering enables me to continue a career beyond retirement: teaching English, of course, and sharing my experience.

My experience at the Immigrant Centre has been wonderful: meeting people from many parts of the world and learning from them; dealing with people who really want to learn; and great support and resources from the staff here.”

To date, Audrey has volunteered at the Immigrant Centre for just over 116 hours and she plans to continue.  “I enjoy it and feel that the Centre provides a useful service.”

The Immigrant Centre thanks you, Audrey, for your time and dedication.