
Volunteer of the Month

Allen Smith

Allen Smith

Allen Smith has volunteered at the Immigrant Centre for at least four years; however, he is no stranger to welcoming newcomers to Manitoba. From delivering furniture, helping people with their shopping and hosting almost 120 students in his home over the years, “it’s just something that I like to do” he says.

Allen has worked for 40 plus years in IT; however, he first joined the Immigrant Centre as a One-to-One English Mentor, and since then has been very involved in volunteering his time and skills to assist clients of the Centre. In 2013, Allen enrolled in the Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (CTESL) program at the University of Manitoba, then moved into a new volunteer role as an English Conversation Group Facilitator.

In 2016, Allen generously offered to help improve the Driver’s Education Program at the Centre, spending over 60 hours putting together new course material and PowerPoint presentations. Twice a month, he now facilitates the Driver’s Education course and for the past three months, he has also facilitated two English Conversation Group Classes every week at the Centre.

Allen’s contribution has not gone unnoticed by Access English Centre Manager, Walter Luzzi who had this to say. Allen is “dedicated and well-organized, he comes to facilitate his classes prepared and develops his own material.”

Now retired and with grandchild number twelve on the way, Allen has no intention of slowing down.  “I like to meet new people and be of value to others”. Volunteering he says “is the least I can do.”