
Volunteer of the Month

Derryl Millar

Derryl Millar

As a volunteer tutor in the Immigrant Centre’s One-to-One English program, Derryl Millar has contributed almost 90 hours of volunteer time since joining the Centre in 2014. A committed and reliable volunteer, to date he has worked with eight students including two that he is currently tutoring.

Formerly an economist by profession, Derryl always had an interest in working with immigrants. Immigration he says, is an important factor in economic development, which many people do not often consider. Now retired, Derryl spends at least three hours a week at the Immigrant Centre, helping newcomers improve their English language skills.

Before coming to the Immigrant Centre, Derryl volunteered as a Teacher’s Assistant for three years in the Adult Education program at the Winnipeg School Division. Derryl however prefers the one-to-one interaction that he has with his students at the Centre, because “you get to know people more”.

Of the environment at the Immigrant Centre he says, “I’m very impressed. People here are dedicated and helpful. The support that clients receive is almost as important as the language development.”