
Volunteer of the Month

Narges Saadatianderakshandeh

Narges volunteers as a Conversation Group Facilitator.  Conversation Classes allow newcomers to practice and improve their English in an informal, supportive environment and without volunteers like Narges, our Centre would not be able to offer this program free of charge to our clients.  From her own experience as an immigrant to Canada, Narges understands firsthand the challenges newcomers encounter and the importance of community support and programs such as English classes to their settlement success, and according to our Access English Centre Staff, has been a wonderful teacher for the past two years.

How did you first hear about the Immigrant Centre (IC)?

I first heard about the Immigrant Centre through a friend who had worked there before. She spoke highly of the organization and the valuable experience it offers, especially for newcomers. Her positive feedback inspired me to get involved as I felt it was important to give back to the community and help others who are navigating the same challenges I faced as a newcomer.

What attracted you to this organization in particular?

I noticed how the Immigrant Centre supports newcomers from the moment they arrive until they are fully settled. The warm welcome and comprehensive assistance they provide are truly remarkable. The organization’s dedication to ensuring that newcomers feel at home and are well-equipped to succeed in their new environment resonated with me deeply. I wanted to be part of a team that makes such a significant difference in people’s lives.

Why did you decide to volunteer?

I decided to volunteer because I wanted to give back to the community and make a positive impact. As someone who has experienced the challenges of adjusting to a new country, I understand how important it is to have support and guidance. Volunteering at the IC allows me to provide that support to others. Since I started volunteering about two years ago, each day has brought new and enriching experiences.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

What I enjoy most about volunteering is the connections I make with the participants. It’s incredibly rewarding to see their progress and to know that I am contributing to their confidence and ability to communicate in English. The sense of community and mutual learning in our sessions is something I like.

What has your volunteer experience been like at IC?

My volunteer experience at the IC has been enriching and fulfilling. The staff is incredibly supportive and provides excellent resources and training. I have learned a lot from both the participants and my fellow volunteers. Each session brings new challenges and rewards, making the experience continuously engaging and meaningful.